Creative Production
Another Tomorrow
2023 - Current

Creative and Experiental Producer

Another Tomorrow is a sustainable luxury fashion brand founded in 2020. Sensual and strong, the collection honors both the Earth and the women who wear it through a steadfast commitment to human, environmental, and animal welfare.

︎ Themes: Storytelling, cultural change, making

2020 - Current

Founder + Creative Director

Website, Instagram, Contact

Lotte.V1 is a one-on-one online styling service rekindling our relationship with clothing. Rewearing, caring, and enjoying our wardrobes is the most sustainable act in fashion. Up until now, consumers belive that buying better was best. Lotte.V1 is here to disrupt this brand-driven greenwashing and provide wearers of clothing with the tools to feel beautiful, confident, and like themselves in what they already own.

︎ Themes: Storytelling, cultural change, relationships

Lotte.V1 Lectures
2021 - Current

Teaching, Lectures, and Workshops

Since 2021, Sam has given multiple lectures and workshops on fashion and sustainability to universities across America. 

Drexel Unviersity
Lecture, 2022

University of West Virginia
Lecture, 2021, 2022

University of Wisconsin
Lecture, 2022

Jefferson University
Lecture, 2022

Fashion Act Now
2021 - Current

Social Media Coordinator + Strategist

Website, Instagram, Contact

Fashion Act Now is a group of activists demanding and enabling a radical defashion future. Whilst the industry leads us to believe it can transition to sustainable practices, Fashion Act Now identifies that Fashion itself is incompatible with justice as it is predicated on growth, oppression and planned obsolescence. Fashion Act Now urges an immediate crisis response to dismantle the dominant globalised Fashion system. Defashion is a transition to post-fashion clothing systems that are regenerative, local, fair, nurturing and sufficient for the needs of communities.

︎ Themes: non-violent direct action, storytelling, cultural change, structural change